Manuscripts should be no more than 10,000 words including references, tables, and appendices. Technology should be compatible with uploading to an online format.
Manuscripts must be written in English with current APA format.
Manuscripts must be typed in Microsoft Word, using the latest APA style, double-spaced on 8.5 x 11-inch page, 1-inch margins, and in Times New Roman font.
All manuscripts must include an abstract of 150 words or less. The abstract should describe the essence of the article.
The submission must not be published previously in another source nor under review by another source. Upon publication, the manuscript is copyright to the Excellence in Education Journal.
Submission of Manuscripts
Manuscripts should be submitted electronically via email attachment to [email protected]. The body of the email should contain: the name of the author/s, position, place of employment, position and title, and email address. The title of the article should also appear on page 1 manuscript, but the author's name or other identifying information should not appear on the manuscript itself. All tables and figures should be included in the body of the manuscript or in appendices.
There is no fee for the submission or publication of an article. Authors are expected to take full responsibility for the accuracy of content in their articles, including references, quotations, tables, and figures.

Information for International Authors
The mission of this journal is to promote scholarly writing about the education of children and adults worldwide. Writing can include scholarly research, reviews of literature, white papers, action research, book reviews, or other forms.
Assistance with writing in English and APA formatting is available with the goal of supporting international submissions. Contact the editor for more information.
All articles are double-blind, peer-reviewed. A list of reviewers can be found under the REVIEWERS tab. The editor reserves the right to make final decisions about review and acceptance of articles.
Articles are accepted on a rolling basis year-round.
Articles are published in journal issues on this website, are indexed in ERIC, and the full text of the article can be accessed and downloaded from ERIC.
Questions about these guidelines can be directed to Ann C. Gaudino, Ed.D., editor, at eejeditor@gmail. com.