Excellence in Education Journal (EEJ)
Founded 2012
ISSN 2474-4166 Indexed by ERIC and EBSCO
The mission and goal of the EEJ is to promote scholarly writing about practices in the education of children and adults worldwide and to share this writing in a free, open-access, online journal format.
We encourage teachers, professors, and other professionals worldwide to write about practices that promote the improvement of education. Submissions are double-blind, peer-reviewed, and are accepted year-round with publication occurring several times annually.
Ann Cancilla Gaudino, Ed.D., Founder and Editor-in-Chief
[email protected]

There are no fees to submit or publish manuscripts so that cost will never be a barrier.
Copies of the published journal are free electronically located under the JOURNAL ARCHIVE tab.
All articles published by this journal are indexed by ERIC in full text and can be viewed here:
For a listing of reviewers, please click on the REVIEWERS tab. Information about how to become a reviewer is also listed on this page.
Accessible as a Mobile Site
We are pleased that this website is also now accessible as a mobile site from cellular phones and other devices accepting this format. Graphics and font on the website are intentionally simple in order to be accessible to the variety of technology devices being used worldwide.
Call for Papers
Papers are accepted on a rolling basis. Papers should be emailed directly to the editor at [email protected].
Please click on the SUBMISSIONS tab for more information.